Masonic War Veterans Grand Post
About Grand Post
The Masonic War Veterans of the State of New York is a unit of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, governed by a Board of Directors, five of whom are nominated by the Grand Master and elected at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication each May. Four directors are elected on the floor at the Annual Convention of Grand Post, by the voting representatives from the Posts. Directors are elected for one year terms.
servitium repulsi
Service Driven
MWV Post 23 is always active in Freemasonry as well as in Veterans Affairs and issues. Are members are from all Branches of Service.
Flag Presentations/Ceremonies
MWV Post 23 presents the colors at all Masonic Functions in the Suffolk District as requested and at the service of the District Deputy Grand Master.
Veterans Service
MWV Post 23 is active with Northport VA and the LI Veterans Home at Stony Brook.
Masonic Service
First you served your Country, Now you can serve Your Brotherhood
First things First
It is NOT a requirement to have Served or Fought in a WAR to Join the Masonic War Veterans
Freemasons & Veterans
Who we are
Candidates must be a member in good standing in a Blue Lodge in this State or a Lodge of a sister jurisdiction which has fraternal relations with the Grand Lodge of New York.
Candidate was/is regularly enlisted, drafted, inducted or commissioned in the Navy, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Air Force, Merchant Marine, or any other federal armed force that, by federal law or regulation or by the State of New York may be accorded veteran Status or a member be a member of an allied military with an honorable discharge.
The eligibility status shall apply whether the service was active or reserve, and shall also apply to nationals of any other country who, in alliance with the United States, participated in military or naval activity against a common enemy.
Eligibility is in accordance with the Grand Lodge of the State of New York Constitution pertaining to the Masonic War Veterans of the State of New York.